Isethi Yokubhala

Isethi Yezincwadi Ezisezingeni eliphezulu inikezwa abakhiqizi baseChinaYongxin. Thenga Isethi Yokubhala esezingeni eliphezulu ngqo ngentengo ephansi.
I-NingBo Yongxin Import and Export eyasungulwa ngo-2007, itholakala eNingbo. Ngendawo yendawo kanye nezinto zokuhamba ezikahle.
Singumkhiqizi ochwepheshe kanye nomthumeli ngaphandle okhathazekile ngomklamo. Isikhwama Sasemini Ubhaka, Isikhwama Ipensela, Trolley Bag, Izingane DIY Art Crafts, Isikhwama Ipensela, amathoyizi okufundisa, izingane ithoyizi DIY.
Singakunikeza isevisi yobuchwepheshe kanye nentengo engcono kuwe. Uma unentshisekelo ngemikhiqizo ye-Stationery Set, sicela uxhumane nathi.
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Isikhwama Sepensela Yokuklama Okuhle Setha Isethi Yokubhala

Isikhwama Sepensela Yokuklama Okuhle Setha Isethi Yokubhala

U-Yongxin, omunye wabakhi abahamba phambili be-Good Design Pencil Bag Set Stationery Set nomkhiqizi othekelisa e-China. Kuhlanganisa nesikhwama sepensela irula ipeni lerabha njll isethi yengane yomfundi kanye nesethi yebhokisi lepensela

Funda kabanziThumela Uphenyo
Isethi Yokubhala Yekhathuni Ethengisa Kakhulu Yokuthengisa

Isethi Yokubhala Yekhathuni Ethengisa Kakhulu Yokuthengisa

I-Yongxin ingumkhiqizi, abahlinzeki kanye nomthumeli-mpahla ohamba phambili waseChina. Isipho Sokuphromotha Sekhwalithi Ephezulu Yekhathuni Yetimu Yezincwadi Isethwe Ngesethi Yebhokisi

Funda kabanziThumela Uphenyo
7PCS Impahla Yesikole Setha Isethi Yezincwadi Zezingane

7PCS Impahla Yesikole Setha Isethi Yezincwadi Zezingane

U-Yongxin, omunye wabakhi abaphambili be-7PCS School Supplies Set Kids Stationery Set futhi othumela ngaphandle e-China. I-7PCS Impahla yesikole isethelwe izingane zokubhala esikoleni I-Astronaut Prints Outer Space Ship isethelwe Abafana

Funda kabanziThumela Uphenyo
45 Isiqephu Sokubhala Sisethelwe Amantombazane

45 Isiqephu Sokubhala Sisethelwe Amantombazane

I-Yongxin, enye yezinkampani ezihamba phambili ezikhiqiza futhi ezithumela kwamanye amazwe ezingu-45 Piece Stationery for Girls e-China. Isethi Yokubhala Yencwadi Eyi-Unicorn Yoqobo, Isiqephu esingu-45 Sisethelwe Amantombazane, Izipho ze-Unicorn Zamantombazane Aneminyaka engu-10-12

Funda kabanziThumela Uphenyo
Isethi Yokubhala Yekesi Lepensela Edume Kakhulu

Isethi Yokubhala Yekesi Lepensela Edume Kakhulu

U-Yongxin, omunye wabakhiqizi kanye nomkhiqizi ohamba phambili we-Pencil Case Stationery Set ohamba phambili e-China. I-Rainbow Jumbo Arts and Crafts Filled Stationery Pencil Case for Girls, Isipho Esikhulu Samantombazane

Funda kabanziThumela Uphenyo
I-Unicorn Penseli Case Unicorn Stationary Isethi Yamantombazane

I-Unicorn Penseli Case Unicorn Stationary Isethi Yamantombazane

Thola ukukhethwa okukhulu kwe-Unicorn Pencil Case Unicorn Stationary set for Girls from China at Yongxin. I-Rainbow Jumbo Arts and Crafts Filled Stationery Pencil Case for Girls, Isipho Esikhulu Samantombazane

Funda kabanziThumela Uphenyo
I-Yongxin Industry ingabakhiqizi nabaphakeli abadumile Isethi Yokubhala e-China. Wamukelekile ukuthi uthenge isaphulelo, esihle nekhwalithi ephezulu Isethi Yokubhala. Uma unentshisekelo ngemikhiqizo yethu, sizokunikeza ngekhotheshini nohlu lwamanani. Imboni yethu ihlinzeka ngensizakalo eyenziwe ngezifiso ngentengo ethengekayo.
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